Blueprints for success

Why did we start Deducers? Lots of reasons …

Here’s one. It’s a secret ...

You can read all the job listings and qualifications you want, but the truth of the matter is, the most valuable employee in the creative industry is the one who can adapt. Technology changes ALL THE TIME, and with it so do skill sets that those in motion and post need to learn— producers are no exception. We aren’t just talking about learning software systems to generate a 360 overview of a project (Ceta, Xytec, Farmer’s Daughter!), or apps that can help smooth out workflow (Workast!). To be sure, producers need to learn these too, but they also need to adapt to new creative environments, new processes, new people, new personalities, and even new forms of creative art. They need to learn them and learn to own them, which means they need to wear them well. 

The industry recognizes creatives need training for this.  Producers need it too…

Here’s another secret. Those who adapt easily don’t start from scratch. They have a good framework to begin with, and they build up, out, down, even sideways, from there. Think about it like designing an outfit. Tailors don’t pull custom designs from thin air. They start from a pattern or prototype (or perhaps a few). They have a blueprint. In this way, custom designs aren’t novelties, they are novel adaptations–from a baseline. Tweaks are made and the final design is tailored to your (the consumer’s) liking— adding a little here, snipping there, changing the colors and adornments, and, if it’s a dress, by all means accentuating in the right areas). The result is an outfit that the customer can’t help but own when they strut out of the shop.

Adapting on the job is similar. Producers need to have a good pattern–or better a few–to manipulate to the benefit of the company and their own style. That’s why professional development is so important. Producers at every level need good blueprints—the essential tools—to fashion themselves in their careers and to make their companies thrive in this increasingly competitive industry. They need to be the proud owners of their products—the teams they build and the services they render. When they are, they will be well dressed for the occasion.

This is what drives our passion at Deducers. We provide producers with those blueprints, so they all can be ready to step out on the runway.


How to gain confidence as a producer


Welcome Darren Jaffe!